I/O Streams

作者 plentymore 日期 2018-08-01
I/O Streams

I/O Streams



public abstract class InputStream implements Closeable {
// MAX_SKIP_BUFFER_SIZE is used to determine the maximum buffer size to
// use when skipping.
private static final int MAX_SKIP_BUFFER_SIZE = 2048;

// 读取字节流中的一个字节,返回该字节
public abstract int read() throws IOException;

// 读取字节流中的b.length个字节,将读取到的字节存放到b数组
// 返回读取到的字节个数
public int read(byte b[]) throws IOException {
return read(b, 0, b.length);

// 读取字节流中的len个字节,将读取到的字节存放到b数组,从b数组的off位置开始存放
// 返回读取到的字节个数
public int read(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException {
// ...

// 跳过字节流的n个字节,返回实际跳过的字节个数
public long skip(long n) throws IOException {
// ...

// 返回字节流中剩余的字节个数
public int available() throws IOException {
return 0;

// 关闭输入流,释放占用的系统资源
public void close() throws IOException {}

// 标记输入流的当前位置,后面调用reset方法的时候可以回到这个位置
// 然后就能够在这个位置继续向后读取最多readlimit个字节
public synchronized void mark(int readlimit) {}

// 回到mark方法标记的位置
public synchronized void reset() throws IOException {
throw new IOException("mark/reset not supported");

// 判断输入流是否支持mark和reset方法
public boolean markSupported() {
return false;

  • read 读取输入流的字节,然后返回读取的字节或者读取的字节数,如果已到输入流的末尾,则返回-1

  • skip 跳过输入流的n个字节,然后下次读取的时候直接读取n个字节后面的自己,不再读取这些跳过的字节,返回实际跳过的字节数

  • available 返回输入流中剩余的字节数,如果已到输入流的末尾,则返回0

  • close 关闭输入流,释放占用的系统资源

  • mark 标记输入流当前的位置,后面调用reset方法的时候能够回到这个位置继续向后读取最多readlimit个字节。在InputStream中,该方法默认什么也不做。

  • reset 回到mark方法标记的位置,如果输入流的markSupported方法返回false,则reset方法可能抛出IOException,如果不抛出异常,输入流将被重置。如果没有调用过mark方法,则抛出异常。在InputStream中,该方法默认什么也不做。

  • markSupported 测试输入流是否支持mark和reset操作。在InputStream中,该方法默认返回false,表示默认不支持mark和reset操作,子类需要自己重写这个方法来支持这些操作。



public abstract class OutputStream implements Closeable, Flushable {

// 写一个字节到输出流
public abstract void write(int b) throws IOException;

// 从b数组写b.length个字节到输出流
public void write(byte b[]) throws IOException {
write(b, 0, b.length);

// 从b数组的off位置开始写len个字节到输出流
public void write(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException {
if (b == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
} else if ((off < 0) || (off > b.length) || (len < 0) ||
((off + len) > b.length) || ((off + len) < 0)) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
} else if (len == 0) {
for (int i = 0 ; i < len ; i++) {
write(b[off + i]);

// 清除输出流,把在缓冲区的数据强制写入到存储设备(比如磁盘)
public void flush() throws IOException {

// 关闭输出流,释放占用的系统资源
public void close() throws IOException {


  • write 把1个或者多个字节写到输出流,接受的参数为int类型,大小为32bits(比特),即8bytes(子节),因为是字节流,所以会将int类型数据的低8位,也就是最后面的8bits写到输出流,高24位的数据将会被丢弃

  • flush 清除输出流,这会使得在缓冲区的数据(之前调用write方法写入的数据一般都保存在缓冲区中)被立即强制写入到存储设备(比如硬盘)

  • close 关闭输出流,释放占用的系统资源



public abstract class Reader implements Readable, Closeable {

* The object used to synchronize operations on this stream. For
* efficiency, a character-stream object may use an object other than
* itself to protect critical sections. A subclass should therefore use
* the object in this field rather than <tt>this</tt> or a synchronized
* method.
protected Object lock;

* Creates a new character-stream reader whose critical sections will
* synchronize on the reader itself.
protected Reader() {
this.lock = this;

* Creates a new character-stream reader whose critical sections will
* synchronize on the given object.
* @param lock The Object to synchronize on.
protected Reader(Object lock) {
if (lock == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
this.lock = lock;

// 尝试从字符流中读取字符到CharBuffer对象(target)中,返回读取的字符数
public int read(java.nio.CharBuffer target) throws IOException {
int len = target.remaining();
char[] cbuf = new char[len];
int n = read(cbuf, 0, len);
if (n > 0)
target.put(cbuf, 0, n);
return n;

// 从字符流中读取一个字符,然后返回该字符
public int read() throws IOException {
char cb[] = new char[1];
if (read(cb, 0, 1) == -1)
return -1;
return cb[0];

// 从字符流中读取cbuf.length个字符到cbuf数组中,然后返回读取的字符个数
public int read(char cbuf[]) throws IOException {
return read(cbuf, 0, cbuf.length);

// 从字符流中读取len个字符,存放到cbuf数组中,从cbuf数组的off位置开始存放
abstract public int read(char cbuf[], int off, int len) throws IOException;

/** Maximum skip-buffer size */
private static final int maxSkipBufferSize = 8192;

/** Skip buffer, null until allocated */
private char skipBuffer[] = null;

// 跳过n个字符
public long skip(long n) throws IOException {
// ...

// 测试字符输入流是否已经可以被读取
public boolean ready() throws IOException {
return false;

// 测试字符流是否支持mark和reset操作
public boolean markSupported() {
return false;

public void mark(int readAheadLimit) throws IOException {
throw new IOException("mark() not supported");

public void reset() throws IOException {
throw new IOException("reset() not supported");

abstract public void close() throws IOException;



  • ready 测试字符流是否已经可以被读取,如果返回true,则说明下一次调用read可以马上读取到数据,不需要等待数据到来,如果返回false,则可能可以马上读取到数据,也可能需要等待数据到来(一直阻塞,直到有数据到来)




public abstract class Writer implements Appendable, Closeable, Flushable {

* Temporary buffer used to hold writes of strings and single characters
private char[] writeBuffer;

* Size of writeBuffer, must be >= 1
private static final int WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;

* The object used to synchronize operations on this stream. For
* efficiency, a character-stream object may use an object other than
* itself to protect critical sections. A subclass should therefore use
* the object in this field rather than <tt>this</tt> or a synchronized
* method.
protected Object lock;

* Creates a new character-stream writer whose critical sections will
* synchronize on the writer itself.
protected Writer() {
this.lock = this;

* Creates a new character-stream writer whose critical sections will
* synchronize on the given object.
* @param lock
* Object to synchronize on
protected Writer(Object lock) {
if (lock == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
this.lock = lock;

// 写一个字符到字符流
public void write(int c) throws IOException {
synchronized (lock) {
if (writeBuffer == null){
writeBuffer = new char[WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE];
writeBuffer[0] = (char) c;
write(writeBuffer, 0, 1);

// 把cbuf数组里面的字符都写入到字符流
public void write(char cbuf[]) throws IOException {
write(cbuf, 0, cbuf.length);

// 把cbuf数组从off位置开始的字符都写入到字符流
abstract public void write(char cbuf[], int off, int len) throws IOException;

// 把一个字符串的所有字符写入到字符流
public void write(String str) throws IOException {
write(str, 0, str.length());

// 把字符串从off位置开始的len个字符写入到字符流
public void write(String str, int off, int len) throws IOException {
synchronized (lock) {
char cbuf[];
if (len <= WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE) {
if (writeBuffer == null) {
writeBuffer = new char[WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE];
cbuf = writeBuffer;
} else { // Don't permanently allocate very large buffers.
cbuf = new char[len];
str.getChars(off, (off + len), cbuf, 0);
write(cbuf, 0, len);

// 把一个字符序列的所有字符写入到字符流,并返回该Writer的引用
public Writer append(CharSequence csq) throws IOException {
if (csq == null)
return this;

// 把一个字符序列的start位置到end位置的字符写入到字符流,并返回该Writer的引用
public Writer append(CharSequence csq, int start, int end) throws IOException {
CharSequence cs = (csq == null ? "null" : csq);
write(cs.subSequence(start, end).toString());
return this;

// 把一个字符写入到字符流,并返回该Writer的引用
public Writer append(char c) throws IOException {
return this;

abstract public void flush() throws IOException;

abstract public void close() throws IOException;

  • write 写字符到字符流,甚至写字符串和字符序列(实际上也是字符,因为它们都是由字符组成的)到字符流。需要注意的是,字符(char)为16位,而int为32位,所以当传入int类型的参数时,会把低16位的数据写入字符流,高16位的数据将被丢弃

  • append 该方法写字符序列到字符流之后,还会返回Writer的引用,这样就可以链式调用append方法不断写入字符序列到字符流了,比如writer.appeend("abc").appeend("def")
